Varun Villait
The beta version of our endpoint supports this. Please see https://docs.peopledatalabs.com/docs/input-parameters-autocomplete-api#beta on how to access it.
Varun Villait
doing now
Varun Villait
doing soon
Ben Eisenberg
being researched
Awake Fly
Upvoted. Sometimes we have our users failing to find a startup company with the name of the company. Smaller companies have less clean data by nature.
However, when trying a company enrich over the domain of the company, there's a chance the API will find the company.
Here we are requesting the autocomplete api to look into the website field (if a domain is provided). The objective is for the user to have reliable indication (visual autocompletion) on whether a domain match will result in a company being found.
Final Ant
Sure! We have in our application a search feature for finding people in certain companies. We allow them to make these searches by either typing (with autocomplete API) or upload a csv (using cleaner API). They can use both domains (e.g. peopledatalabs.com) or company names (people data labs), as users sometimes have ready lists with customers they want to target.
Therefore it would be useful for us to have an autocomplete feature for finding companies with a certain domain.
Kade Beem
Hi Final Ant. Can you please expand a little bit on your use case for this request?