Allow subscription plan users to select different bundles outside of the base bundle
Kade Beem
Currently, self-serve customers are locked into base fields. For example, a self-serve customer would not be able to access parent/subsidiary fields without having to first talk to sales.
If volumes don't meet Enterprise minimums, it makes more sense to allow the user to enable a different bundle for a premium price without the barrier of a sales conversation.
Forward Crow
Thanks for the update, this is very relevant for us
Kade Beem
I am pleased to announce the release of this feature today!
Check out our official announcement for more details.
Kade Beem
Proposed Marmoset I have merged your bug into this feature request. It is currently expected that
does not appear in company responses for our Free and Pro users. Presently, this is an Enterprise-only field. As you'll note in this feature request, we are actively working on enabling fields for our Pro users as an add-on. Please stay tuned for a broad announcement in the coming weeks!Kade Beem
Merged in a post:
inferred_revenue field not available in response.
Proposed Marmoset
"inferred_revenue":"$25m-$50m" - this field doesn't seem to be in the postman response were are getting using the Company API?
Kade Beem
doing now
Kade Beem
doing soon
Kade Beem
being researched
Kade Beem
Merged in a post:
add premium fields to self serve
Aquamarine Mollusk
Self-serve customers want to add premium fields to their self serve account.