Counts of search results
Amused Peacock
API to fetch counts of results for a boolean query. Similar to
Currently, we are setting page_size parameter to 1 and getting the count of results and further narrowing down/ filtering with more boolean queries.
This way multiple stages of credit consumption and filtering costs can be reduced.
Varun Villait
This feature is now available via both our Person and Company Search APIs but does require an active paid subscription to utilize. Please read more about how to use it here:
Person Search -
Company Search -
Varun Villait
doing now
Kade Beem
Merged in a post:
Request 0 Profiles
Atomic Caterpillar
When you use the Person API and request 0 profiles, an error is returned.
It would be quite helpful if the API returned the number of profiles associated with the query, when 0 profiles are requested. Knowing the size of the pool ahead of time, will allow us to know how many profiles we want to pull from this query subsequently (e.g., 10 vs. 15).
Kade Beem
Merged in a post:
Get count of total candidates from SQL without fetching data
Fortunate Perch
Currently, to test 'how many candidates there are' when I execute the query like 'SELECT * FROM person WHERE ...,' we need to set the
, which costs a single credit. The main purpose is just to get the count, and if the count is too high, then we would modify the query. This process involves 6-7 different conditions and queries to get right, while expending credits unnecessarily. There should be a separate endpoint to just get the counts, and if the query works, then we would fetch the actual candidates.B
Ben Eisenberg
Unfortunately, since there is an infrastructure cost associated with executing a search API query, we've made the decision to charge a minimum of 1 credit per search in order to discourage abuse.