More Frequent Data Releases
Varun Villait
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Weekly/Bi-weekly person data release cadence
Ultraviolet Boa
Weekly or bi-weekly release of person data to enable faster access to new data
Varun Villait
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Daily data updates
Wandering Bovid
The ability to update and deliver files on a daily basis would be a significant value add.
Ben Eisenberg
Merged in a post:
Bi-weekly profile update frequency
Rose quartz Porpoise
A bi-weekly update to the API data (as opposed to current, monthly) would decrease the lag time between the profile update by the underlying individual and retrieval by PDL client; therefore provide updates closer to real time.
Ben Eisenberg
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Snowflake data updates
Elaborate Landfowl
I understand data is updated monthly. Ideally it is updated more regularly, e.g. several times per day
Precious Tyrannosaurus
Our customers are looking for weekly at the moment, but I think realistically daily is what we will need in the near future.
Sam Rounds
Hi Nelson! We’re still exploring what the update cadence would look like for data in Snowflake.
Today, our API index is updated once per month (generally within the first 14 days of each calendar month). We're currently updating data in snowflake quarterly as part of our flat file updates, but are open to exploring a more frequent cadence.
With that being said, as our data build and delivery processes evolve we foresee the API index will have the most frequent update cadence of all of our delivery methods.