Person Locations
doing soon
Coral Horse
Person profile locations aren't updated very often and you dont include job locations in your data, for example you include the location of the company but not where the person is working, someone's company can be in France but the are working in the UK, usually this can be seen on linkedin but not in your data
Ben Eisenberg
doing soon
Ben Eisenberg
being researched
Ben Eisenberg
Hey Coral Horse!
Could you provide some examples where the locations are not updating?
We provide the person's location in the "location_" fields as well as a transparent "location_last_updated" date.
We also do provide the working location in the "experience.location" object.
I'd be curious if you have some examples of gaps I can take to the engineering team to investigate!
Coral Horse
Ben Eisenberg Sure what's your email, i have a file I can send
Ben Eisenberg
Coral Horse: