phone type tagging
doing now
Vanilla ice Echidna
We've gotten feedback that phone number tagging similar to email tagging (personal/professional) would be helpful. In some cases, phone numbers that are displayed in the phone_numbers field are duplicated across profiles, especially when affiliated with a company, but it is difficult to disambiguate these at the individual profile level
Ben Eisenberg
doing now
Ben Eisenberg
doing soon
We're planning to tag mobile phones internally and to improve the quality of our mobile_phone field using these tags and additional metadata about the current owner of the phone.
Ben Eisenberg
being researched
Loud Stork
Merged in a post:
Label phones by type (work, personal, mobile, SOHO); add work_phone and work_phone_extension
Juniper Hare
Problem: phones array has numerous phone numbers with no type label. This is useful when trying to understand what numbers are personal or work.
Solution: A work_phone top level field would suffice, preferably with work_phone_extension for contacting employee at work for sales, outreach and connection.
This also serves for customers who want to do the opposite (remove work numbers) from phone array use cases.
Labeling phones in the phones array solves this problem as well.
Lotus pink Thrush
Yes, this would be invaluable!! We are less concerned with personal vs work phone number and more concerned with an individual's phone number vs. a company's phone number. When the company-wide phone number appears on an individual's profile, that's not very helpful for our clients who want to contact the individual!
Could you run phone numbers through a check of your company data? If an individual's phone number matches the phone number you have for a company as a whole, just flag it as such so it's clear that it's probably not the individual person's number.
Well Alpaca
To add some information, we have found that many people working at the same company may share the same phone number, so it would be useful if there were an additional field we could use to exclude widely-shared numbers when assigning a primary phone number to a person, something like
mobile_phone || phone_numbers.filter(n => n != company_phone)[0]
(not intending to suggest field names or data types, just an example of how we would be interested in using it; possibly suggesting a new field for backwards-compatibility, rather than modifying the data type of the phone_numbers field)