Profile last seen/updated
Elaborate Landfowl
We have a field called job_last_updated. This field "Indicates the timestamp of the most recent source that agrees with this information".
However from discussions, I understand that this field might only be updated when a source detects a change in the given profile. This means that this source knew when the profile did not had a change, but as is, job_last_updated might not be updated.
What we want as customers, are two fields:
* the last time any profile was observed by a source, regardless of a change (so we know really how outdated information is)
* last_update - the last time a change was observed in a profile. This is useful as we as clients do not have to diff the profiles every time to detect a change. It's a bit of work to do this properly, but should be easier for you as you receive the updates?
EDIT: I just found It appears to be the same request for
Varun Villait
Varun Villait
Our job_last_changed and job_last_verified fields have been released into GA. More details can be seen here:
Loud Stork
doing now
As of v24.0, we have two fields available for beta testing:
job_last_changed: a field to capture when a change was observed for the top level (current) experience object
job_last_verified: a field to capture when the information listed on the top level experience object was observed.
If you would like to test these fields, please get in touch with your customer success team at PDL.
Loud Stork
doing soon
Nutritious Hawk
Also - a priority, would be greatly valued, in a similar way
Elaborate Landfowl
I think last_updated overlaps with the proposal in
Sam Rounds
The job_last_updated field is the last date where we are confidently able to confirm that the resume data in a profile was submitted by one of our partners exactly as they had it in their system (whether the data in the profile has changed from a previous version or not).
Elaborate Landfowl
note, I responded privately over email