Use 204 status codes (and other codes) instead of 404s in the API
Ben Eisenberg
Nice to have since a 4xx code is supposed to indicate an error on the client's end. Tools like CloudWatch report this as an error. If a request is good but we don't have data to return, it is best to return a 204 (No Content) error code instead of a 404 (Not Found).
Same is true for Opt-outs. Out-outs in Retrieve API as 404 is confusing. Nice to have it's own unique code as 20x or 4xx for Opt-outs.
Further, a no-match with a Retrieve API due to filter_updated flag should have a different code than 404/204.
Currently, there is not way to distinguish between:
a) no such record in PDL system (a true no-match);
b) we have a match but not with your filter flags;
c) an opt-out (on retrieve)
d) a real HTTP 404 error.
**ADDITION on 1.26.24: We should also have:
+206 code for we have a match in our system but your required parameters caused a no-match.
+207 for Opted-Out
Ben Eisenberg
Merged in a post:
204 to replace 404 for no match
Rasa Vella
LB articulated that all 'successful responses' be a 2XX return all user error be a 4XX return and PDL errors a 5XX return.
This would reduce confusion to clients when calculated what credits were used and why. In particular if they use more than one API endpoint.
Wandering Bovid
This, from what I understand also brings us more closely aligned with the industry norms