Zircon Pike
We're pleased to have completed this work as of July 2023. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if interested.
Fundamental Marmoset
Question: When you guys do updates for this data are they done steadily and continuously over time OR are they batch updates (where 1000s are updated in a matter of seconds/minutes)? Asking so I can start thinking through the architecture to process them. And if batch updates then you could have heavy loads of requests when all your customers get informed at the same time and start asking for the updated data.
Zircon Pike
Fundamental Marmoset: the initial webhook design will send a batch IDs that you have enriched/retrieved previously and that have been updated with our latest data. The anticipated workflow is to receive those IDs then call our existing retrieve function to refresh the records. Performance wise we feel confident that our architecture will scale well with the increased usage, but we will of course be monitoring it to maintain high throughput.
Zircon Pike
doing now
Fundamental Marmoset
Webhooks would be HUGE for keeping certain fields up to date that we value most. The question is, how do these utilize credits? We would kind of loose control of credit spend. Be curious of the best way to handle that.
Native Panther
This is extremely valuable for maintaining data relevancy and preventing people from getting frustrated with "outdated" profiles (this impacts PDL brand as implementation could be complicated and webhooks removes refresh delays and management). Rather than building a lot of logic on top of the current API, webhooks are a huge unlock to build services that proactively alert users to changes in the data.
Ben Eisenberg
doing soon
We're working on developing a limited access version of data updates via webhooks in H2 2022.
Harlequin Limpet
Ben Eisenberg: How would hooks count towards our usage credit?
Ben Eisenberg
Hey Harlequin Limpet! Our current MVP plan is to push the PDL IDs of updated records to you via the webhook and then charge you one person retrieve API credit to retrieve the full data back. Would love to chat more about how y'all would use this and the value it would provide!
Thin Condor
Ben Eisenberg: Thank you for adding this feature. This is the feature we requested more than a year ago, and will be very useful for us.
Varun Villait
Merged in a post:
Proactive Daily or Monthly Notifications of Management Changes
Lavender Hamster
Receive updates when a person changes title (promotion) or companies (management change)
Varun Villait
being researched